Kilo KishNegotiations EP-6

Local Time at the Office
Los Angeles, CA.

New York, NY. 

   Kilo Kish's Negotiations offers a exploration of the human body and mind as interconnected machines navigating the complexities of modern life. Central to this project is the notion of error and glitch, reflecting our contemporary struggles with finding stability in a rapidly accelerating world. Kish examines how our programming—shaped by internal and societal scripts—dictates our responses, revealing that we often fall prey to established patterns or norms. The act of running “codes” to tune and reprogram the self emerges as a vital theme. Each coping mechanism—be it stoicism, perfectionism, softness, or optimism—offers unique paths forward. 
    Negotiations acknowledges the fragility of our processing capabilities. Over time, perspectives can become strained or circular if not actively addressed, emphasizing the need for intentional energy management. Personally feeling stuck under the weight of more deliverables, assets, and art now positioned as ‘content’ the record explores the personal breakdowns of the body and mind amid these intense shifts. 
    In essence, Kish’s Negotiations invites us to reflect on internal and external scripts and the energy exchanges that define our existence. By illuminating the relationship between emotional resilience and self-betrayal, Kish reminds us that while we may often feel like cogs in a machine, we possess the power to stop, reflect, and rewrite our own narratives.

  • Negotiations EP-6 
  • Executive Production: Ray Brady and Kilo Kish
  • Mix: Nathan Phillips Mastering: Heba Kadry NYC
  • Creative Direction: Kilo Kish
  • Label: Kisha Soundscapes + Audio Under Exclusive Liscence to Independent Co. 

Kilo Kish by David Black
Los Angeles, California
Check again soon for upcoming performances and merch.

Hold, Please (2025)
Runtime: 00:01:32
    An artist waits on hold with the industry.
  • Directors: Kilo Kish, David Laven
  • DP: Aiden Ulrich
  • Score: Ray Brady, Kilo Kish 

On the Price of Doing
        In thinking of life in the simplest of “good or bad” years, I know they were good or bad just the same. I want to say that the years that numbers were up and attention was there were better, but the data would probably say otherwise. I’m forever changed by this course in life. How can you put a price on the complete upheaval of yourself, for better or for worse?

r3program (2025)
Runtime: 00:03:11

  • Another day at the office.
  • Directors: Kilo Kish, David Laven
  • DP: Aiden Ulrich
  • Music: Kilo Kish, Ray Brady 

My Moment is the Carrot, Dangled
           Simply, sometimes your time, is just your time. The windows of heaven hand you a clean passageway into the beyond, a moment where culture bends to your hand and you’re in the middle, floating in a stream of income, attention, and if you’re lucky, with all of your closest friends! Its nice!        
            But like a first fix, it’s hard to replicate, though we do try. Even when, we move to greater and greater achievements, does it ever feel the same as this first wave?